Studies of The Human Figure in Motion

Eadweard Muybridge is chiefly remembered for his extraordinary work with the photography of movement.  He was the first person to prove that a horse, at full gallop, took all four of it's hooves off the ground at one point in it's stride.

Muybridge was given sponsorship by the University of Pennsylvania, where he undertook his most famous project. In one year he took more than 20,000 photographs of men, woman, children, animals and birds and in 1887 the photographs were published as a monumental work of 781 folio-sized plates, entitled "Animal Locomotion". It remains to this day the most comprehensive analysis of movement ever undertaken, and is still used widely as a reference source for illustrators and artists.

What is less known about Muybridge’s photographs is that the have latent parallax: when a sequence of his photographs is presented as a short animation the motion parallax is perceived:

In this example, the  observed three-dimensionality of the two figures, especially details such as the woman’s dress, is quite apparent, even though the parallax is not stereoscopic, but temporal (motion) parallax.  

stereoscopic parallax is seen clearly when two frames of the sequence are removed and  put together side-by-side:

Free-viewing on to the Muybridge Photographs reveal that consecutive prints in the sequences are stereoscopic, producing clear three dimensional images. In the many thick books written about the Muybridge photographs there is very little (if any) mention of the fact that these sequences of images are stereoscopic.

The fact that the photographs have parallax information in them is a direct result of the way in which the photographs were taken: Muybridge was working several years before the invention of the cine-camera, so in order to expose his photographic plates in quick succession he designed a method by which a number of individual cameras were triggered by the subject's passing in front of each camera in turn. Because the cameras were arranged in a line a few inches apart from each other, they recorded different perspective views of the subject.

A total of 20 holograms of selected Muybridge sequences were made as part of PhD thesis “Aspects of Spatial and Temporal Parallax in Multiplex Holograms’ at the Royal Collage of Art in 1994.  Each of the holograms combines both the stereoscopic parallax and the motion parallax that is latent within the photographic sequences.

The "Arabesque" was the first hologram in the Muybridge series.
In the original Muybridge plates, this is an austere image, vaguely reminiscent of Gray's anatomical drawings, whilst the pose is redolent of
Leonardo Da Vinci's famous drawing the  ‘Vitruvian Man’ (also called the ‘Canon of Proportion’), of a nude man framed in a circle and square.

Because Muybridge shot each of his sequence against a grid of lines in the background, it is possible to see very accurately the degree of motion that the subject has undergone from one frame to the next. This proved very valuable in analysing the relationship of the stereoscopic parallax (generated by the different views from each of the cameras and governed by the distance between the cameras) to the temporal parallax (generated by the subject’s rotational motion from one photograph to the next) in the sequence.

Not a great deal has been written about temporal parallax (or motion parallax) in books about Stereoscopic Photography or Holography, however, N.A. Valyus in his book ‘Stereoscopy defines temporal parallax as:

"The displacement of any image point which occurs in a time corresponding to the visual inertia of the eye relative to the image of the moving fixation point".

Perhaps a more straightforward description would be: "how a one-eyed man still knows that the world is in 3D by moving his head from side-to-side" that is, the ability to perceive the solidity of objects and their spatial relationships by their relative displacement, rather than by stereoscopy.

Temporal parallax might be described as "memory parallax" because whilst stereoscopic parallax is derived from a comparison of two views both seen at the same moment with two eyes, temporal parallax is perceived by a comparison with the view seen by the eyes at one moment in time, compared with an instant later.

In the "Arabesque" hologram, the fact that the figure is standing on one leg, anchored to the same spot throughout the sequence, means that this portion of the scene contains only stereoscopic parallax, caused by the lateral displacement of the cameras used to record the sequence.

In the sequence, the figure moves his right leg clockwise through 180 degrees This may be regarded, for the purpose of parallax analysis, as two progressions of 90 degrees each. What is fascinating is the very different way these two motions are interpreted by the brain.

If one examines frames 4 and 5 as a stereoscopic pair, one can see the hyper parallax distortion on the outstretched leg. In the first part of the rotation, although most of the other image points in the scene fuse together well, those image elements (the foot and leg) where to stereoscopic parallax has been added to the subject’s motion parallax, appear to go deep into the scene, away from us (so that the solid back wall looks like a net with the leg extending through and beyond it.

As the figure continues to rotate his leg through a further 90 degrees (clockwise), and the subject’s motion parallax again is combined with the stereoscopic parallax in our perception of the image:

If one examines frames 8 and 9 as a stereoscopic pair, one can see the hyper parallax distortion on the outstretched leg. Resting one's gaze on the extended foot, and comparing its position relative to the grid backdrop, one can discern that the limb is stretched out towards the observer, like a tiny foot at the end of a insect-like leg.

Although the motion of the leg is constant, in a
clockwise direction, its path across the visual field changes from right-to-left to left-to-right. This difference in the relative displacement of the local image elements (the leg and foot) relative to the rest of the scene causes the leg to appear to go deeper into the scene at first (images 4 & 5) but then appear to come forward (images 8 & 9) stretching out of the scene.  The temporal parallax in the scene has directionality, which can be "with" or "against" the direction of stereoscopic parallax. The first part of the figure's rotation works to extend the limb deep into the scene, away from us (so that the solid back wall looks like a net with the leg extending through and beyond it), whereas the second part of the figure's rotation works to extend the depth towards us and the leg stretches right out into the viewer’s space.

The Muybridge sequences were made from left-to-right, with each new image exposed to the right of the previous image. This is the correct direction for a sequence that is suitable for orthoscopic viewing of stereoscopic pairs (parallel free-viewing). If the subject motion is equal to the progress of the camera and going in the same direction, it will be as if both were standing still. The stereoscopic parallax will be diminished or cancelled out by the temporal parallax and the subject will appear flat in that part of the scene.

Understanding that a camera movement, a dolly or track shot laterally past the subject has an effect on the percieved dimensionality of the subject is critical to adding effective realism to the scene.  Even in a simple shot of a person talking to camera can be made much more compelling if there is a subtle tracking shot moving from the left to the right past the subject (as opposed to the opposite, from the right to the left); likewise a subject motion rotating clockwise to a camera (in a fixed position) will provide more realism that an anti-clockwise motion.

Temporal parallax in film, video and television can be as engaging to the viewer as stereoscopic parallax (in 3-D movies) and the some of the best examples of motion parallax appeared in the years following the completion of the thesis “
Aspects of Spatial and Temporal Parallax in Multiplex Holograms’ at the Royal College of Art in 1994.  

The best example of motion parallax used in a feature film was in
The Matrix, in 1999 which introduced (or rather re-introduced) the cinematic effect ‘Bullet Time’1

Arabesque" (above) and other holograms were exhibited in a one-man show at the Museum For Holography & New Visual Medium in Germany.  Another hologram of a nude man riding a horse was selected and exhibited work in the show "Towards a Bigger Picture" which was also shown at  the Tate Gallery Liverpool and The Victoria & Albert Museum and is now in their permanent collection.


1. Stephen Herbert notes in his blog (9 March 2009) that Eadweard Muybridge was the first to invent ‘Bullet time’ the cinematic effect used in films such as ‘The Matrix’ (1999).



3. See also: ‘A Brief History Of Bullet Time, Aka The Matrix Effect

All frames from ‘Animal locomotion plate 197 male and female dancing waltz’ arranged to make a short looped animation.

The first and second image from ‘Animal locomotion plate 197 male and female dancing waltz’ arranged side-by-side in order for parallel free-viewing.  The stereoscopic parallax is clearly seen, with both figures appearing to be three-dimensional.  Note how the dress and the arms extend forward in front of the stereo-window.

The first and second image from ‘Animal locomotion plate 197 male and female dancing waltz’ arranged side-by-side in reverse order for cross-eye free-viewing.  The stereoscopic parallax is clearly seen, with both figures appearing to be three-dimensional.  Note how the dress and the arms extend forward in front of the stereo-window.

Eadweard Muybridge  'Animal locomotion' plate 369, captioned "First ballet action"
Parallel free-viewing reveals the stereoscopic parallax in this sequence.

The "Arabesque" hologram made from Eadweard Muybridge
Animal locomotion' plate 369, captioned "First ballet action"
The hologram captures
both the motion (temporal) parallax and the stereoscopic parallax in the sequence.  See a video of the hologram:
One-Man Show in the Museum for Holography and New Visual Media.

One Man Show

Bullet Time, (almost) 1884   “According to Wikipedia: [Bullet-time] is the effect used in The Matrix, and other movies, and is achieved roughly the same way as Muybridge set up his shots. In effect, however, Muybridge had achieved the aesthetic opposite to The Matrix's bullet-time sequences, since his studies lacked the dimensionality of the later developments.
But not in this example, which certainly has dimensionality.
My crude animation of Animal Locomotion Plate 527, Spanking a child, will I hope demonstrate that the technique generally known as "bullet-time" and made famous by The Matrix (1999), has a long history. This animated sequence (two of three series of the same subject, joined together) was taken by Muybridge during his sessions at the University of Pennsylvania, in 1884-5. But this wasn't, apparently, his first experiment with the technique. An article in the New York Times in 1881 (February 19) entitled 'Instant photography; results of the California experiments' described an earlier session, for a specific purpose.

Mr. Muybridge, once in the studio of Mr. Perry, watched with interest the artist endeavoring to outline the picture of a California coach and four. He had Mr Muybridge's pictures as a guide. But these were broadside views, and he wanted a quartering view. Mr Muybridge hastened back to Palo Alto, arranged five cameras in a semicircle and concentrating upon one point, galloped a horse over the point where the electric current was completed, and produced a perfect picture of a horse at fullest speed, as seen from five different points of view, all at the same instant of time and while, of course, the horse was in one and the same position. Now, an artist with these pictures as guiides can draw a horse in any position desired.” - Stephen Herbert

Image 4 & 5 from plate 369, arranged side-by-side in order for parallel free-viewing.  The stereoscopic parallax is clearly seen, but where motion parallax (subject movement) is added to the stereoscopic parallax the depth is exaggerated.  In this case the depth is increased inwards as the displacement of the image points is left-to-right, relative to the other image points in the scene.

Image 5 & 4 from plate 369, arranged side-by-side in reverse order for cross-eyed free-viewing. The stereoscopic parallax is clearly seen, but where motion parallax (subject movement) is added to the stereoscopic parallax the depth is exaggerated.  In this case the depth is increased inwards as the displacement of the image points is left-to-right, relative to the other image points in the scene; [not in the above, as they are in reverse order].

Image 8 & 9 from plate 369, arranged side-by-side in order for parallel free-viewing.  The stereoscopic parallax is clearly seen, but where motion parallax (subject movement) is added to the stereoscopic parallax the depth is exaggerated. In this case the depth is increased outwards as the displacement of the image points is right-to-left relative to the other image points in the scene.

Image 9 & 8 from plate 369, arranged side-by-side in reverse order for cross-eye free-viewing. The stereoscopic parallax is clearly seen, but where motion parallax (subject movement) is added to the stereoscopic parallax the depth is exaggerated. In this case the depth is increased outwards as the displacement of the image points is right-to-left relative to the other image points in the scene.

All the frames of  'Animal locomotion' plate 369, "First ballet action" arranged together to form a short animation where the motion parallax can be clearly seen (but there is no stereoscopic parallax) the sense of the 3-D solidity of the figure is derived only from the subject’s motion.

This clip from ‘The Matrix’ shows the camera proceeding in an anti-clockwise direction (left-to-right progression of frames, whist the subject is largely stationary. The motion of the figure’s arm at the end of the sequence is from right-to-left causing the limb to appear to extend towards the audience.  

In order to avoid subject motion moving counter to the direction of orthoscopic parallax, most examples of ‘Bullet time’ are of a  ‘frozen moment’ (aka ‘time slice’) where a set of cameras are all triggered to expose at the same instant, so as to freeze all subject motion.